Custom XML Configuration
As of version 2.12.3 it is possible to apply custom xml configurations to Icecast and Icecast KH stations from the Service Configuration -> Advanced tab. All directives entered here are merged into the icecast configuration file automatically. Please note that invalid configurations may prevent Icecast from starting.Examples
Max Listener Duration
The example below will set the max-listener-duration on the first mount point. If there are multiple mount points then you can simply duplicate the <mount> directive for each mount point that exists.<icecast> <mount> <max-listener-duration>43200</max-listener-duration> </mount> </icecast>
IP Deny
You setup IP deny using Custom XML, after manually creating an ip-deny-list file via SSH. Icecast documentation does not require any formatting for this file it can simply be a single ip address on each line. You can make this file by for example running the following command then listing each IP address on a new line.nano /usr/local/mediacp/content/user_xxx/music/ip-deny-listFrom there you can set the custom XML configuration in the panel, it should look like the below example. After applying the change and restarting the service the set IP’s should be blocked:
<icecast> <paths> <deny-ip>/usr/local/mediacp/content/user_xxx/music/ip-deny-list</deny-ip> </paths> </icecast>
Station stops and requires manual start
If you are seeing your Icecast station turning itself off, the most common cause is bitrate abuse stopping the service. We have a guide for investigating Stations stopping you can review here:
Icecast Troubleshooting – Station stops and requires manual start
How to enable Icecast debugging logs
Icecast has four levels of logging that can be configured from the station configuration. The following knowledgebase articles goes through the steps to configure this:
Icecast troubleshooting – How to enable Icecast debugging log