MediaCP 2.14.3 Release Notes

MediaCP 2.14.3 includes several fixes to improve the accuracy and stability of the new reporting features, updated compatibility with various operating systems, Flussonic 24.05 compatibility as well as several other improvements and minor features.

This version is now available on the Latest Release Tier.

Whats new in MediaCP 2.14?

Read more about What’s new in MediaCP 2.14.


Notable Improvements

  • MCP-1185 WiseCP billing Integration
  • MCP-2644 Competitor panel stream link compatibility with
  • MCP-2672 Ubuntu 24.04 LTS compatibility
  • MCP-2673 Ubuntu 18 no longer supported
  • MCP-2675 Debian 10 and CentOS 8 Stream deprecated (no new installs)
  • MCP-2668 Add support for Flussonic 24.05
  • MCP-2469 Mount Point Stream Links are now included on Widgets & Links page
  • MCP-2658 Option to Kick Scheduled Access Live DJ when event ends
  • CentOS 7 AutoSSL compatibility improvements / fixes


  • MCP-2628 Improve examples and validation of permitted domain names in Station Configuration
  • MCP-2630 Remove irrelevent Player background text from Custom Background
  • MCP-2638 Check internal address for Wowza Port 8086 Health Check
  • MCP-2653 Improve MySQL tmp_table_size warning
  • MCP-2666 Improve cache-busting techniques on javascript and styles
  • MCP-2662 Health check to test database version and version file comparison
  • MCP-2640 Added non-free and non-free-firmware to deb822 style apt sources.list

Bug Fixes

  • MCP-2589 Shoutcast AutoDJ mountpoints not working properly
  • MCP-2629 Audio RTMP output through Wowza Listener count not being counted
  • MCP-2632 After upgrading customer’s statistics on global statistics page missing.
  • MCP-2639 Disk limit sharing between audio and video services
  • MCP-2641 Historic table can only hold 4 GB in bytes field
  • MCP-2646 Data Transfer on Mount Points tab inconsistent with traffic tab
  • MCP-2652 TLH on the Mount Points tab vs Sessions tab
  • MCP-2654 List Users API not working for showing pages other than the first
  • MCP-2655 API Create Service, Wowza TV Station setting to service type to shoutcast instead
  • MCP-2657 Video Services Reporting tables using TLH instead of TVH
  • MCP-2665 Track summary data is being deleted incorrectly every night leading to zero values on reporting tracks tab
  • MCP-2670 Playout Track History showing additional hour(s)
  • MCP-2671 CentOS 7 [SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] PIP AutoSSL not renewing
  • MCP-2674 Inaccurate Performances Data
  • MCP-2684 CentOS 7 AutoSSL failing on OVH due to squashfs support

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