MediaCP 2.6 is a new feature release available on the Current branch.
Important upgrade notes
- Wowza Streaming Engine – Before upgrade, you should take note of any custom WSE Transcoder configurations that you have applied to services. Each WSE transcoder enabled service now uses a custom template file. The original transrate profile will only be copied over automatically.
- WHMCS – You must update the WHMCS module to be compatible with MediaCP 2.6.
- WHMCS / Wowza Streaming Engine – If you are using WHMCS with the Transcoder configurable option, you should review the updated configuration options guide for WHMCS as there is now a new option called “Transcoder Profiles” available. The original fields will no longer work.
New HTML5 Player for Shoutcast & Icecast services
We’ve replaced the Muses Radio Player from ground up with a HTML5 Audio Player supporting MP3 and AAC streams (AAC dependent on browser support).
The player is packed with features:
- Automatic Album Cover Art from iTunes or LastFM
- Upload custom background image instead of, or as a fall back for Album Cover Art Static
- Direct Player Links
- Mount Point Selection
- Listener Count
For those worried about the performance on the server, you should note that we’ve heavily cached the player. We have deployed nginx level caching on all player related end-points as well as a redis cache of stream information and player configuration. The player should be capable of handling thousands of visitors without struggle.
Allow selection of Transcoder templates from MediaCP
It is now possible to enable specific transcoder profiles per-service rather than a generic template for all services.

SSL support for FTP
FTP services can now be connected to on the default port (2121) using explicit TLS. This is not enforced at the moment and no further information is provided in the control panel at this time. A notice will be added with the next minor release 2.6.1 that advises to connect with explicit TLS.
Stream Information now available in JSON format
A new JSON endpoint is made available for customers to obtain stream information. The URL is cached by nginx and can handle a high traffic load. The stream information is also cached by the MediaCP via redis for the default 45 seconds and can be configured from Admin -> Settings -> Statistics.

New Secure Installation with fresh GUI
All new installations will be automatically deployed with a Free SSL certificate from Lets Encrypt. As a bonus, Wowza Streaming Engine will now also include an automatically configured SSL certificate.
The setup GUI has also been completely overhauled with a much friendly interface, multi-language support, simple selection of services to install with an automatic selection of the latest versions.
All services are now automatically configured and it is no longer required to input Wowza Streaming Engine or Flussonic credentials.

Ability to enable or disable monthly statistics report email
It is now possible to configure the monthly statistics report email from Admin -> Settings -> Statistics or from the individual service itself.
Wowza Virtual Host field is now hidden by default
In an effort to simplify configurations and interfaces, as well as avoiding user error for complex settings; the Virtual Host field for Wowza Streaming Engine services has been hidden by Default.
The Virtual Host field provides the capability to configure clients on different virtual hosts or IP addresses however this unpopular function is slowly being deprecated to simplify the platform. It can be re-enabled from Admin -> System Config -> Plugins.
Full release notes
- New web installer with language support and automatic plugin configuration
- Allow selection of Transcoder templates from MediaCP
- Automatically configure Wowza Streaming Engine with SSL/HTTPS
- Automatically configure SSL Streaming for Wowza on port 1936 with LetsEncrypt enable
- Replace MusesRadio player with HTML5 native player for Shoutcast 2, IC2 and IC2KH services
- SSL support for FTP
- Ability to enable/disable monthly mail report per service and globally
- JSON version of streaminformation.js.php for easier website integration
- Hide WSE Virtual Host field by default
- Attempt automatic configuration of panel SSL during initial setup
- Add friendly URLs for controllers
- Maintenance page should check if system is online via ajax request
- Change Stream Target and Transcoder Profile selections to toggles instead of multi-select field
- Update PHP to 7.3.9 and nginx to 1.16.1
- Add redis caching support into MediaCP\Cache class and convert statistics points that rely on their own cache implementation
- Rewrite letsencrypt-enable/disable to autossl/autossl-disable