MediaCP 2.10 is a new feature release available on the Latest branch.
Feature Highlights
- DJ Priorities
- iFrame Embedded video player with Autoplay
- Nginx-Rtmp Rewind, Transcoder, Data transfer support & more
- WSE Stream Groups when using Transcoder services
- Wowza Image / Logo Overlays
- Wowza Facebook services now use official WSE Facebook Stream Target for better and instant publishing to Facebook
- Flussonic Geo Country Locking
- Public page is now available without port 2000/2020
- A tonne of minor improvements
DJ Priorities

DJ Priorities allow higher priority dj’s to connect and automatically kick lower priority djs from the Shoutcast or Icecast radio station. Priorities are available for sctransv2 and liquidsoap AutoDJ services
Currently the implementation requires a restart of the AutoDJ service after making changes to the priorities. The liquidsoap implementation requires that DJ’s connect to a specific Mount Point (using an Icecast 2 server type setting on the encoder) however we are working with liquidsoap to hopefully improve this process for the future.
iFrame Embedded video player with Autoplay

The new iFrame video player is based on VideoJS and improves the compatibility of the embed code, as the code can be easily played on any website since plain HTML/JS is often not simple to place on a website. In addition, autoplay is enabled by default and can be controlled with a simple ?autoplay query to the iFrame URL.
The basis of this change is to provide a universally standard video player across the MediaCP and all video streaming services and service types, where currently some of the video players don’t all support the same features. It will allow our developers to focus on implementation of a single video player, and more importantly, be able to add additional customisations such as logo overlays, colour options and more.
We understand some customers may wish to continue using the existing video players, and these are still currently available alongside the new iframe player. It is our intention to deprecate these players in the long-term future.
This iframe player will automatically be set as the default player for all upgrades (you can change this back from System Config -> Video Players if preferred).
Nginx Rtmp Improvements
This latest release includes a number of major improvements for the Nginx-Rtmp video streaming integration including:
- DVR Rewind – When enabled, allows a 10 minute (customisable) rewind of live streams.
- Transcoder / ABR Support – Provides transcoder profiles similar to WSE and Flussonic features.
- Data Transfer – We now provide a basic Data Transfer information to the Nginx-Rtmp video services. The method in which this is provided is only primitive and is determined by a simple 5 minute calculation of Viewers x Bitrate.
- Stream Target Improvements – The source encoder will now be automatically disconnected when reconnecting/disconnecting a Stream Target. Since NginxRtmp requires the encoder to reconnect after making changes, we believe this is a better strategy to avoid confusion.
Read more about the Nginx-Rtmp Video Streaming server
How to enable NginxRtmp Video Streaming Server
Wowza Stream Watermark / Image Overlay

It is now possible to configure a Stream Watermark (Image/logo Overlay) on your Wowza Streaming Engine streams.
The feature uses WSE transcoder to apply the image overlay, which means that applying a Stream Watermark will automatically enable the “source/passthru” transcoder profile if no other transcoder profiles are configured.
Please note that source/passthru transcoders still may make heavy use of the CPU, so use this sparingly and in accordance to our Transcoder Benchmarks and also Wowza’s Transcoder Benchmarks.
Wowza Facebook Stream Target Improvements
We have replaced our custom Stream Target for Facebook with a direct integration with WSE Facebook Stream Target.
This includes a major improvement to the reliability and includes the following:
- Broadcasts over 8 hours will automatically reconnect and publish a new stream immediately, with no delay.
- Facebook broadcast will begin immediately after connecting your encoder, there is no longer a delay.
- There is no longer an option for “Save VOD to profile/page”, as the option is not provided by Wowza Streaming Engine. All broadcasts will be automatically saved to the profile/page by default.
Unfortunately the last point is unavoidable, as it is not an option that WSE support in their Stream Target configuration. We are talking to WSE in order to provide this and we hope it will be possible in the near future.
WSE Transcoder templates moved to /templates directory
In previous versions of MediaCP, if you enabled transcoder profiles on an application then it would create a new folder under [WSE]/templates/[Your-Application-Name]. This was a decision originally to keep it simple, tidy and easy to use. It was discovered that due to a bug in Wowza Streaming Engine, any templates created outside of the standard path were not able to be modified within Wowza Streaming Engine Manager. As such, we have now moved templates back to the default directory and it is once again possible to apply customizations to the profiles directly from WSEM.
Flussonic Geo Country Locking

Flussonic offers a great video streaming server alternative, and we are working hard at implementing more features. MediaCP 2.10 proudly includes Geo Locking integration with Flussonic Media Server.
Public page is now available without port 2000/2020
The entire public station page is now available on the standard ports 80/443 when using Port 80/443 Proxy, so it is possible to access the entire service without using the MediaCP’s admin port 2000 or 2020. For example now becomes
Full release notes
Major Features
- Apply static image or logo overlay to Video Streaming using Transcoder
- Stream Group ngrp support for WSE
- Audio Streaming -> DJ Priorities to allow higher priority dj’s to connect and automatically kick lower priority djs
- iFrame embedded video players
- Geo Country Locking for Flussonic Media Server
- NginxRtmp DVR support
- NginxRtmp Data Transfer support
- NginxRtmp Transcoder / ABR support
- Public station page should be available on standard https port 443 when port 80/443 is configured
- Ability to disable automatic account suspension on bandwidth overage
- Update VideoJS to 7.5.x
- Database cleanup
- Move “YP Public Server” from AutoDJ tab to Mountpoint stream settings
- Remove WSE plugin options for Address, API Port, Admin Host Port and java Binary as these are no longer required
- Replace usernames in display within panel with Customer Name, falling back to username if not available
- Video streaming services should start at 256Kbps not 24Kbps
- Wowza and Flussonic should use slug instead of unique ID for application names, however must be backwards compatible with original unique_id
- Add additional bitrate selections beyond 4096 Kbps for video streaming services
- Remove BETA status from Flussonic TV Station
- Disconnect encoder on restart/reconnect/stop nginx-rtmp service or stream target
- Remove notices database table and reference to it
- Add Return to login link on Forgotten Password page
- Add button to “Reset & Send Password” to Customer Overview page
- Update LibShout and other Icecast libraries
- Move Transcoder templates into root /templates directory
- Update widgets, player and json links to use slug
- WSE -> Facebook stream target should use Facebook type instead of RTMP
- Flussonic server option for edge server URL to use with load balanced clusters
- Update LimitNOFile from 10240 to 1024000
- Update Polish translations from #ORS-49055
- Add note that Facebook Stream Publisher will only stream 8 hour events
- Clipboard fields should be one click auto copy as well
- Customer login should be directed straight to service overview if only one service within account (and not reseller)
- Remove recording of “error.618.1588550042.log” files as they aren’t utilised
- Add AAC Encoder Type option to Liquidsoap options per service defaulting to global setting