MediaCP Manual
    1. Getting Started
    2. Sales Questions
    3. Frequently Asked Questions
    4. Transcoder System Benchmarks
    5. Start your own streaming platform
    1. Change account currency
    2. Product Licensing
    1. Introduction
    2. Installation & Upgrade
      1. System Requirements
      2. Versions & Releases
      3. Installation
      4. Upgrading
      5. SSL Certificates
      6. Streaming Servers
        1. Nginx-Rtmp Video Server
        2. Wowza Streaming Engine
        3. Flussonic Media Server
        4. Video Feature Comparison
        5. Icecast 2 / Icecast KH
        6. Shoutcast 2
    3. Billing Integration
      1. Blesta Integration Guide
      2. WiseCP Integration Guide
      3. WHMCS Integration Guide
      4. Clientexec Integration Guide
      5. Billing Platform Comparison
    4. Migrate from other software
      1. Migrate From Centovacast
      2. Migrate From AzuraCast
    5. Backup & Restoration
      1. Restore MediaCP
      2. Backup MediaCP
      3. Transfer to another server
    6. Administration
      1. MediaCP System Commands
      2. Admin Tools
      3. Custom Web Service Configurations
      4. Change MediaCP domain name
      5. Port 80 / 443 Proxy
      6. Move media to another hard disk
      7. Custom Language Translations
      8. Custom Facebook App
      9. Branding Your Panel
      10. Secure your server
      11. Setup CSF Firewall
      12. Troubleshooting Login Errors
      13. Reset Admin Password
    7. Scaling
      1. Nginx-Rtmp with CDN Proxy
      2. Scale with Wowza and CloudFront CDN
      3. Nginx-Rtmp with CloudFront CDN
    8. Troubleshooting
      1. FTP Troubleshooting
      2. MySQL Database Troubleshooting
      3. Reporting Troubleshooting
      4. Troubleshooting Liquidsoap AutoDJ
      5. Video Relay Troubleshooting
      6. Disk Troubleshooting
      7. Grant access to support team
      8. Troubleshooting Wowza Streaming Engine
    1. Introduction
    2. Administrators Dashboard
    3. System Configuration
      1. General
      2. Services
      3. Video Players
      4. Albums
      5. Email
      6. Plugins
      7. Statistics
      8. Backups
      9. Custom HTML
      10. Misc
    4. Customer Accounts
      1. Managing existing Customers
      2. Create a new Customer
      3. Deleting a Customer
      4. Send email to Customer
      5. Login as another Customer
      6. Reset Customer Password
    5. Reseller Accounts
      1. Reseller Plans
      2. Create a Reseller Account
    6. Administrator Accounts
      1. Create a new Administrator
    7. Media Services
      1. Creating a Media Service
      2. Deleting a Media Service
    8. Announcements
      1. Managing Announcements
      2. Creating Announcement
      3. Deleting Announcement
    9. Statistics
    10. Software Health
    11. Software Updates
    12. Email Templates
    13. API
    1. Introduction
    2. Audio Operation Manual
      1. Basics 101
      2. Station Overview
      3. Media Library
      4. Playlists
        1. General Rotation
        2. Jingles & Advertising
        3. Scheduling
        4. Repeat Protection
      5. Live DJ Connections
      6. Live Stream Recording
      7. DJ Manager
      8. Fallback, Backup and Intro Files
      9. Country Blocking
      10. HTML5 Player
      11. AutoDJ Crossfade
      12. Stream Proxy
      13. Stream Authentication
      14. Public Page
      15. Widgets & Links
      16. Reporting
    3. Video Operation Manual
      1. Basics 101
      2. Service Overview
      3. File Manager
      4. Scheduling
      5. Streaming to Your Service
      6. Stream Targets
      7. GeoIP Country Locking
      8. Public Page
      9. Widgets & Links
      10. Reporting
    4. Reseller Operations Manual
      1. Reseller Dashboard
      2. Customers
      3. Media Services
    5. API
    1. Wowza and Flussonic on same system
    2. Submit a feature request
    3. Shoutcast 2 Admin Guide
    4. Custom Domain Names
    1. Getting started with Audio Streaming
    2. Icecast Live Broadcasting
    3. Shoutcast 2 Live Broadcasting
    4. Broadcasting with AutoDJ
    5. DJ Accounts
    6. GeoIP Country Locking
    7. HTML5 Audio Player
    8. Mount Points
    9. Managing Your Media
    10. Managing Media Using FTP
    11. Statistics
    12. Shoutcast 2 Premium
    1. Getting started with video streaming
    2. Live Streaming Overview
    3. TV Station Overview
    4. Ondemand Video Streaming
    5. GeoIP Country Locking
    6. VAST Advertising
    7. Relay & IP Camera
    8. Stream Recording
    9. Connecting your encoder
    10. Preparing Your Media Files
    11. Managing Media Using FTP
    12. Understanding Video Playlists
    13. Embedding player on your website
    14. Smooth Streaming and Content Transition
    15. Video Transcoding (Adaptive Bitrate Streaming)
    16. Stream Watermark​
    17. DVR Rewind
    18. Statistics
    19. Facebook Live Streaming
    20. Youtube Stream Publishing
    21. Twitch Stream Publishing
    22. Shoutcast 2 Stream Publishing
    23. Icecast Stream Publishing
    24. RTMP Stream Publishing
    1. Cloud Video Overview
    2. Admin Manual - Cloud Video
      1. Branding your platform
      2. Team & Staff Members
      3. Plans & Customers
      4. WHMCS Billing Provisioning Module
      5. Login to your cloud platform
      6. Dashboard - A First Look
      7. Activating VOD on Customer Plan
      8. API
    3. User Manual - Cloud Video
      1. Login to your video platform
      2. First Look
      3. Creating a Channel
      4. Channel Overview
      5. Broadcasting
      6. Stream Transcoding (ABR)
      7. Recording
      8. Media Content
      9. Live Events
      10. 30 Minute Rewind
      11. Fallback Video
      12. TV Channels - 24x7 UGC
        1. TV Event Scheduling
        2. Channel Guide Widgets
      13. Video on Demand
      14. Relay Channels
      15. VOD Playlists
      16. Publishing
      17. Bandwidth Utilisation
      18. Viewing Analytics
      19. Publish Zoom Meetings
      20. Advertising
      21. Restreaming IP Cameras
    4. Video Guide Series
    5. Streaming Best Practices
    6. Feature Comparison
    7. Roadmap & Release Notes

Software Health

Last updated 2 years ago

The Software Health Check provides some simple tests to ensure your server and MediaCP configuration is valid and all services are running optimally.

There are four statuses in total:

  • INFO – Provides additional information on the test above the line.
  • WARN – A configuration could be improved to provide better performance and/or stability.
  • PASS – Test has passed successfully and there is no problem detected
  • FAIL – The Test has failed and there is a problem.

Accessing Software Health

The Software Health check is available for Administrators and can be accessed from the side menu under the Administration menu item.

Checking PHP tests

All PHP configurations are automatically deployed when installing or updating the MediaCP so these tests should always PASS given there are no modifications made by the administrator.

Time accuracy and timezone

These tests are to ensure your system time is valid. If the system time is not accurate, even by 1 or 2 seconds, then some functions may not operate correctly. In some scenarios, particularly on virtual machines, the system time can fall behind.

Most operating systems come with automatic time synchronization utilities. If these tests fail, you should contact your server provider to check and solve the problem. 

In previous versions of the MediaCP (many years ago) it was required to set the PHP timezone to match your server. It is now required that the PHP configuration timezone be set to UTC. All stored dates and times in the MediaCP operate by converting from or to UTC time, so it is crucial that this passes.

Checking MySQL tests

All MySQL configurations are automatically deployed when installing or updating the MediaCP so these tests should always PASS given there are no modifications made by the administrator.

If you are encountering database issues after an upgrade, upgrading your database may fix your issues.

mediacp database-upgrades

Checking DNS

DNS resolution converts domain names such as to either IPv4 or IPv6 addresses.

Fast DNS resolution is vital to the applications performance and stability. DNS resolution is used in numerous areas of the system for different reasons.

Should these tests fail, then there is a problem with your System/Server/VPS configuration and it is a problem that your server administrator or hosting provider will need to solve. You should lodge a ticket with your provider if you are unable to solve the problem.


Permissions on the content directory and temp paths are vital for the operation of the control panel. A common reason for this test to fail is if you have moved the Media Content Directory to a new location. Should these checks fail then you should ensure that all paths are owned by “mediacp” system user, for example:

chown mediacp:mediacp -R /usr/local/mediacp/;
chown mediacp:mediacp -R /usr/local/mediacp/content/;

Checking HTTP/S access to MediaCP

This test performs and simple HTTP request to your MediaCP application. It is a simple test to check connectivity from within your own system. Should this test fail, then it indicates that the MediaCP URL is unable to be accessed from within your own server. Typically the reasons would include:

a) A DNS resolution problem; or
b) A network/firewall problem, possibly relating to poor NAT configuration

In either scenario, it is likely that you will need to contact your server administrator or service hosting provider to solve the problem.

Checking CRON bitrate/historics

A test to ensure that the regular scheduled tasks are operating for the MediaCP application. Should this fail then you should ensure your cron application is running. On some systems if the load becomes too high, then cron service may fail and not restart. Contact your server administrator or service provider to ensure the cron service is running appropriately.

Checking Redis Service Status

A test to ensure that the redis service is running. Redis is used for its high performance running user sessions and caching of information. If redis is not working, it could prevent login to the system. If you experience redis issues please contact our helpdesk for support.

Checking Queue Manager Service Status

A test to ensure that the queue manager is operating for the MediaCP application. Should this fail then you should attempt to restart the queue manager with the following command:

/usr/bin/mediacp restart queue

If this fails to restart the queue, please contact our helpdesk so we can investigate the issue.

Checking SMTP

A test to ensure that SMTP is enabled and setup appropriately. If you see failures, you will need to authenticate the test email and use the link to test your SMTP server settings.

Wowza Streaming Engine

A series of tests to confirm the connection and authentication to the Wowza Streaming Engine application. Should these tests fail, please check:

  1. That the ports configured in the System Config -> Plugins -> Wowza Streaming Engine match the configuration from Wowza Streaming Engine Manager
  2. The authentication provided in System Config -> Plugins -> Wowza Streaming Engine is valid.
  3. Wowza Streaming Engine and Wowza Streaming Engine Manager services are online:
    systemctl status WowzaStreamingEngine;
    systemctl status WowzaStreamingEngineManager;

Flussonic Media Server

A series of tests to confirm the connection and authentication to the Flussonic Media Server application. Should these tests fail, please check:

  1. That the ports configured in the System Config -> Plugins -> Flussonic match the configuration from /etc/flussonic/flussonic.conf file
  2. The authentication provided in System Config -> Plugins -> Flussonic is valid.
  3. Flussonic Media Server system service is online
    service flussonic status;


A series of tests to check the installed Liquidsoap version and if it has been installed correctly. Upgrades and installations can easily fail as Liquidsoap has a large number of dependencies that can fail if your servers’ packages are not up to date.

If your installation has failed or you are running the incorrect Liquidsoap version, you will need to update your system packages then follow this guide to reinstall Liquidsoap.


A series of tests to confirm that Nginx-Rtmp is running smoothly

Nginx-Rtmp is now reliant on the correct version of Liquidsoap to be installed for the TV stations to be installed. If you run into a version incompatibility, follow this guide to reinstall Liquidsoap.

Nginx-Rtmp is also reliant on FFMPEG for transcoding and will fail if this integration fails. We recommend you follow the guide for Liquidsoap reinstallation if you encounter any issues.

FTP Integration

If you are having difficulty with FTP then please review the FTP articles on in our Knowledgebase.


Should FFMPEG configuration fail, then please contact MediaCP Support.

Table of Contents