What is Bandwidth
Bandwidth is the traffic utilized by your viewers watching the web video player (or HLS link). It is the traffic flow between our CDN and your viewers.
How is Bandwidth Calculated
Bandwidth is calculated based on the bitrate, duration, broadcasts per month, and viewers. The more viewers and the higher bitrate you stream at the more bandwidth you will use.
How to Estimate and Calculate Bandwidth
You can estimate your bandwidth usage by downloading our Bandwidth Calculator here: Simple BW Calculator
Alternatively, you can calculate this manually by using the following equation:
(Broadcast Bitrate / 8 x 3600 / 1024 x Average Broadcast Duration x Broadcasts per month) x Estimated Viewers = Bandwidth
You can then estimate a cost by setting the cost per GB. Bandwidth price per GB varies depending on your cloud plan. Starting at $0.08 per additional GB per month for Cloud Broadcast down to $0.05 per additional GB per month for Cloud Business.
If you would like to reduce your bandwidth usage you can configure your channels to disable features that use additional bandwidth such as 30 Minute Rewind.