Now that your stream is broadcasting, you can configure automatic publishing to social media and other platforms. There are 5 supported publishers for YouTube, Facebook, Twitch, Icecast Server, and Custom RTMP.
Our Facebook and YouTube publishers allow for direct integration by logging into your account allowing them to be set up quickly and easily.
Create New Publisher
- Select the plus icon next to the Publishing title on the Channel Dashboard
- Select the publishing location. YouTube, Facebook, Twitch, Icecast Server or Custom RTMP.
- If selecting YouTube or Facebook you will be able to login directly and provide permissions to integrate with the publisher.
- Enter the title and description for the broadcast as well as whether to save the video if the option is given.
On TV Channels you will see the “Live Broadcast Only” option. This allows you to set whether the publisher will stream only broadcasts that come from live encoder connections, or all broadcasts from the channel.
Custom RTMP
Publishing via Custom RTMP, allows broadcasters to any platform or stream location that provides a RTMP URL and stream key. It can be used for publishing to YouTube or Facebook directly without seing up integration or a variety of platforms that we do not provide preset support for.
You will need to create a new publisher and select Custom RTMP.
You will see the options for the Server URL / RTMP URL and the stream key, as well as optional authentication. Once these have been provided the publisher should function the same as our other publishers do.
Publisher Status
There are four statuses for publishers that provide broadcasters with vital information for monitoring and keeping track of their publishers:
Grey Offline – Publisher Disabled
Red Offline – Unable to Publish to destination
Ready – Waiting for stream to start
Running – Publishing to destination