Relay Channels are designed to ingest a broadcast from an IP Camera or any another compatible live source to quickly bring video into the platform. This is done using a RTMP, RTSP or HLS source, in the form of a URL.
Rebroadcasting allows you to push out a stream with higher availability through MediaCP Cloud Video’s CDN (content delivery network) as well as use many of the MediaCP Cloud Video features such as stream publishing to social media, recording, reporting, 30 Minute Rewind and much more.
Getting Started
Relay Channels are created the same way as other channel types with the added requirement of a compatible Relay URL using HLS, RTMP, & RTSP.
If you do not have a compatible Relay URL and want to test relay channels you can use the HLS link from another Cloud Video channel found under Player Code -> Direct HLS Link
Cloud Video Relay Channels have access to the same powerful features of other channel types; allowing you to expand an otherwise basic stream to a fully featured broadcast.