Grabación de transmisión en vivo de Wowza

[cs_content][cs_section parallax=»false» style=»margin: 0px;padding: 45px 0px;»][cs_row inner_container=»true» marginless_columns=»false» style=»margin: 0px auto;padding: 0px;»][cs_column fade=»false» fade_animation=»in» fade_animation_offset=»45px» fade_duration=»750″ type=»1/1″ style=»padding: 0px;»][cs_text]It is now possible to record your live-streams and view the recorded stream instantly from and on demand service.

1.  Create a new target service* for your Recorded files, this should just be a standard on-demand service.

* You can also select an existing on-demand service.

2. Create a new Livestream service, and enable “Recording Live Stream”


3. Set recording service as the target service created in step one, or an existing service.


4. Set your Output format as MP4/FLV


5. Select a versioning option, the default setting should work fine.


6. Live-stream to the service.


7.Once the stream has finished you will be able to access it from your On-demand service, in the file manager and Playlist Builder.


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