Summary Table Generation Stuck/Stopped

With the 2.14 major version a complete reporting overhaul was released that uses summary tables. After upgrading you will see a message on the top of the dashboard indicating that summary tables will be generated and may take a long period of time. If you are worried that the table generation has stopped or encountered issues we have created this KB article to allow you to check that the procces is running and restarting it if it has stopped.

If you have restarted your server or MySQL this will stop the table generation, otherwise it is possible for the process to be killed by something else such as OOM (Out of Memory Killer).

  1. Check to see if the process is still running by using ps aux: 

ps aux | grep cron | grep regenerate
  1. If the process is not running but you are worried it is taking a long time it is possible to check the MySQL database. Please contact our helpdesk where our support team can advise the steps to check this:

  1. If the proccess is not running but the message is still present in the panel you can restart the process with the below command:

sudo -u mediacp nohup /usr/local/mediacp/php/bin/php /usr/local/mediacp/htdocs/scanner/cron.php historic_kb_back_fill=1 regenerate_summary_tables=1 debug=3 >/usr/local/mediacp/log/mediacp/2-14-3-table-summaries.log 2>&1 &
  1. Once the process is running again it should finish given enough time and without interrupting it with restarts. If you continue to see the process stopping please contact our helpdesk to allow our team to look into this further:

  • reporting
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