OpenVZ virtualization

During the installation or upgrade of MediaCP you might receive the following notice:

ERROR: Your system is not supported due to OpenVZ virtualization.

A VPS (Virtual Private Server) uses several virtualization technologies to provide its virtual environment.

OpenVZ is an operating system-level virtualization based on a modified Linux kernel, and provides a modified version of CentOS or Debian. OpenVZ CentOS or Debian is not a real version of the operating system and is not supported by several technologies required to operate the MediaCP.

Why is OpenVZ not supported?

The decision to remove support for OpenVZ virtualization came from a large amount of reported difficulties relating to OpenVZ in one way or another. OpenVZ containers are also not supported because they are not the real versions of CentOS or Debian and provide custom kernels that cause problems. 

At the root of the reported issues are two core technologies that are not supported by OpenVZ virtualization including:

  • AutoSSL Features - Our software has used LetsEncrypt and Certbot to provide automatic HTTPS and SSL features for the better of the last decade. Recently Certbot has discontinued support for their apt/yum packages and moved to the Snapcraft Snaps package manager. Unfortunately snaps are not compatible with OpenVZ virtualization.
  • Liquidsoap - This is the core software behind the AutoDJ playout and TV Channel playout software (with nginx-rtmp) and is used by a large majority of customers in one way or another. Unfortunately OpenVZ virtualization is not compatible with the installation method utilized by our software with liquidsoap.


You should purchase a VPS that uses hardware virtualization such as KVM, VMWare or another. We suggest a provider such as VultrOVH or Amazon.

How to renew SSL Certificates if i already have the MediaCP installed with OpenVZ?

Overall we recommend migrating to a server that does not rely on OpenVZ virtualization. As an interim solution you can look to install an SSL Certificate manually or request our professional services team to install a Custom SSL Certificate for you (You must obtain the certificate separately)



  • OpenVZ, Operating System, System Requirements
  • 3214 Users Found This Useful
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