The System Health check has failed the following test: FAIL Checking PHP Time is accurate...
FAIL Checking read permissions on content directory FAIL Checking write permissions on content directoryPermissions on the content directory and temp paths are vital for the operation of the control...
FAIL Liquidsoap version is UNKNOWN WARN Liquidsoap might not be installed correctly, recommend reinstall.Liquidsoap has a large quantity of dependencies and can easily fail installation or upgrade if...
FAIL NginxRtmp - Liquidsoap ffmpeg video supportIf you have recently upgraded or installed MediaCP without updating your system packages you will...
Fast DNS resolution and connection to license server failed testThe System Health check has failed the following test: Fast DNS resolution and connection to...
Got error 28 from storage engineYou may see this error Got error 28 from storage engine when accessing the Media Control Panel....
Hostname not resolving FAIL Check system hostname is resolvableIf you encounter this error in your system health check you are running into a hostname...
Liquidsoap reinstallLiquidsoap has a large quantity of dependencies and can easily fail installation or upgrade...
OpenVZ virtualizationDuring the installation or upgrade of MediaCP you might receive the following notice: ERROR:...
Remove database table prefixA database table prefix was originally used in the MediaCP software many years ago and has since...
Removing database table prefix to improve stability on older installationsThe database table prefix has not been a default for some years now and can often cause issues...
Software Health CheckIf you are encountering strange behavior or bugs, running a Software Health Check is a great...
Software Health Timeout/CrashIf you run into this issue, there are two potential causes that you can test for. SMTP is set to...
WARN MySQL variable tmp_table_size variable is set to 128MBIf you see this warning in the panel, it indicates that your tmp_table_size is set to 128MB. Upon...
Why do I see 'An error occurred' message in the MedicaCP?This is a generic error and can be the result of several problems listed below.- Underperforming...