If you see the Invalid backend configuration. Readable volumes not available. error on Wowza services file manager it will usually be due to an invalid Ondemand Storage directory. This could be set incorrectly or the ownership is incorrect.
Check the Ondemand Storage directory
Select Administration
Select System Config
Select Plugins → Wowza Streaming Engine
Scroll to the bottom and check the Ondemand Storage directory field
If it is set to default then this is caused by another issue but if blank try to reset it to default. If it is set somewhere custom check that the directory exists and is owned by mediacp
Check to ensure the service directory exists within the storage directory, if it has been deleted this will also show an error.
You can further test this by using the browser console
Open browser console and see :ERR_ABORTED 502 (Bad Gateway).
Enable debug
Navigate to the network tab and find the fetch/xhr/ preview: